Seasons are changing! So winter is coming. This time of year I spend a lot of hours planning avalanche course’s, awareness talks, and scheduling out my winter. But I also make sure I get some time for the new sled build. What does this take? Well making sure I have all the parts that I like to run on my skidoo 154 turbo. I am running all the same things as I did last season and that makes it easy. So here comes the fun part…… colors, style, and the Deviant Ink custom Wrap that I design on their website! This is something that everyone can do, because they have an easy to use wrap builder and you can change colors on a bunch of different layers. It really makes your snowmobile wrap unique.
A wrap is the finishing touch to your sled, but its also a protective cover. Yea that’s right, when you rip enough tree branches or panel slide down something hard a wrap could be the thing that saves your plastics. When you go to sell this snowmobile you can peal the wrap off and it will look just about brand new again!
So here’s how I go about this.

Step 1. On the home page click “customize now”, select Snow on the drop down to the left, and then select your make of sled.

Step 2. Select your model and see the wrap options for that body style…… this is where it takes me a minute to figure out which style wrap I want to run….. I end up building a bunch… because changing the color options makes each design look different. So take your time! Hahahaha I usually spend a few late nights doing this.

Step 3. Start changing colors! You can spend a lot of time here… which I do. Hahaha, but getting just the right set up makes it so your sled looks dope! You will see once you click on a wrap that you need to click the red “customize” bar. Then you click the options at the bottom.
Accent colors, is the first. So you can pic what color sled you ordered, and if you are going to run aftermarket rails, or skis, or bumpers.
Wrap colors is where I spend most of my time. Once I have the base sled colors set, then I go back and forth with the different wrap layers, changing the colors around until I get something I like.

Logos is a new one, and you can add exactly what logos you want. I have a list of sponsors and apart of my agreement is to run their logos on my sled, so I have to add them. But if I didn’t have any sponsors, I would probably just run the epic art that Deviant Ink has for wraps. Or run some fun logos, and flags!

Personalize is where you can add your name, that way people will know its you!
Coverage is how much of the sled you want to wrap. When you do all of the sled its amazing how much gets wrapped! You can also get a strip for your sled deck so your all matchy matchy.
Overlay is the finish. Matte, sparkly, shiny, its all rad, and you can pic a finishing touch for your customized look!
Another awesome option is to save the build in the upper left. So you don’t have to loose the wrap you just built, and you can go back and edit them! This way you can build a few different ones and then pic the winner! Make sure you set up an account before trying to save a wrap, or maybe open a second window to do it, because you don’t want to loose the wrap!
Last year I ran gray and black… which came out really cool…. So this year Im going to do something similar, but my sleds is going to have some green accents. So I need to figure out the wrap options to see if adding any green to black, gray, and white will look good. I also really like the sled wrap designer so I can change which parts are what colors.
Heres the top three….

So now I just have to pic which wrap is going to be the one, click the order button and hand over the credit card!
Sleds are so awesome, adding aftermarket parts changes the way they ride and your able to make it handle how you want. A wrap is the finishing touch!! I hope you have some fun designing your custom Deviant Ink Wrap!!